Applications for the Half a Million Kwacha Mtukule Mnzako Grant 2021

Sep 7, 2021 | Blog, News | 10 comments

We are pleased to announce that the annual Mtukule Mnzako Grant applications will be open to the general public for applications on 23rd September 2021 and will close on 20th October 2021 with five nominees to be announced on 30th October 2021 and winners announced on 15th November.

The inaugural Mtukule Mnzako Grant awarded MK500,000 and MK200,000 to two winners in October last year. This year we are keeping with the tradition to award one Innovative idea.

Mtukule Mnzako is a grant that solicits funds from well-wishers and was founded in 2020 by Pemphero Mphande to support young, less privileged Malawians with innovative business ideas that lack access to capital. In the inaugural year, we received 712 applications from which Mike Lulu Ten, a 25-year-old MUST graduate walked away the winner.

With the funds, he is building a human-powered Nebuliser. This is a machine used by respiratory problem patients to take medication. The innovation if successful will not need electrical power.

At the start of this year, Pemphero Mphande started fundraising for this grant and raised a total of MK287,000. He will add the remaining 213,000 to make the total.

The grant targets solutions that require less capital, are easily scalable and can create job opportunities for others. To apply, you must be between 15 and 30 years of age. Those younger than 15 with outstanding innovations will be considered. When we open the applications, you will find out how to apply.

For inquiries or contributions to increase the prize, contact +265 991 93 82 36 on WhatsApp or call.

Brian Chumbi
Mtukule Mnzako Manager


  1. Eunice Mphande

    Wow this is nice, we people really have a mass of business ideas koma vuto capital. Many will benefit from this.
    So people under 15 will also be given money to start business? Are they not too young for that? At least sending them to school will be of a little help to them if they are less prevailed . Let them keep their innovative ideas up to that age their able to make conducive decisions. My own thinking though.

  2. Jonathan Kamakanda

    This good development will send my application

  3. John Jackie's Gondwe

    Thus great deal and will indeed empower youths. This will build our country

  4. Kingsley potah

    What is the interest rate

  5. Susan Kapalamula


  6. Esau Kauzu

    It’s great idea and we need such platforms for the less privileged youths in this country. It’s high time indeed we start empowering the youth …Big up @Pemphero…

  7. Camel Lovato

    I like the idea of mtukule mzako. Just to add some people already have businesses that lack support and investments. Others lack markets Helping this group already existing businessess can be also great. Meaning the upcoming business can’t really gave problems on who to look up to, to have a successful business coz footprints are already there.

  8. Bertha

    Good day sir /Madame,
    I am writing to you because I am interested in getting help from you. I have always wanted to have a machine which can make keys for cars, houses, shops and remotes for the gates.

    I know this is not a date for applications submission rather want to make kmown of my idea.

    Thank you.

  9. Chikko

    Good initiative


    Mr pemphero mphande, you haven’t communicated yet on how to apply for mtukula nzako grant. Am ready to apply and you said on 23rd will be the day to communicate on how to apply. So how far is the initiative.


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